Not Your Average Yoga Retreat

I believe that travel cracks us open, leaving our tender hearts exposed to the emotional elements of the world and THAT creates the magic of life long expansion and personal discovery, and that magic is also medicine for the planet. I've found some of my most profoundly joyful, heart centered, core shaking moments while traveling the globe- breathless and wonder-struck hiking Peruvian mountains, eating new and exciting foods, connecting and forming friendships and going on the occasional giggle fueled, good-humored, profanity laced rant- because sometimes there are some ugly truths about life (and travel!) that warrant a good ‘ol sassy “dammit”. Through years of these internal and external journeys I have felt called to facilitate and hold space for those along their own personal paths.
My Explore & Expand Retreats business partner, Carrie Wren, and I work diligently to insure that we create a sacred container for your personal process, and hopefully help you smile and laugh along the way.
Please visit our Explore & Expand Retreats website for more information and to view details on our upcoming adventures which include: Peru, Morocco, Mexico & Patagonia!
Interested in creating a personal retreat experience using coaching, ritual, and body movement? Is there a location in this big, beautiful world that is calling to you but you feel overwhlemed in building your travel experience? Reach out! I’d love to work with you to create something truly unique and special for you and your group!