Your "Weird" is your Magic!

Embracing My Excess, My Weird, and Passionate Feelings

Each birthday I find myself reflecting on the wild journey of life and its many twists and turns, This past year has been transformative in many ways~ one of the most noteworthy being the steady embrace my excess, my weird, and all my passionate feelings. I’m the first to cry at a sad movie or a beautiful sunset, the first to exclaim loudly when something feels “off” and the most likely of folks to start a deep cpnversation with just about anyone who will slow down long enough to talk about the mysteries of the Universe. Allowing myself to freely express in honest and TRUE ways hasn’t always been easy, but it has led me to a deeper understanding of who I am and what makes me unique.

Embracing My Excess

I used to think that I had to tone down my personality to be accepted. But why should I? My enthusiasm, my passion, and my love for life are what make me, me. Embracing my excess means celebrating my big dreams, my loud laughter, and my unfiltered joy. It's about living life to the fullest and not apologizing for taking up space. My excess is my abundance, and it's a gift I share with myself first and my external world second.

Celebrating My Weird

“Weirdness” is often seen as something to hide or be ashamed of, but I’ve come to see it as my superpower. My quirks, my unique perspectives, and my unconventional ways of thinking are what set me apart. They are the colors in the tapestry of my life. Embracing my weird has allowed me to connect with others who see the world differently, fostering a community of like-minded souls who value authenticity over conformity. Attempting to smoosh myself into a “nonchalant” box was hell. No, thank you. I’ll be “weird”.

Embracing My Passionate Feelings

In the past, I might have mistaken being nonchalant for being in control. But through my work in somatic experiencing coaching and spiritual wellness practices, I've learned that true strength lies in embracing my passionate feelings. It's about feeling deeply, loving fiercely, and living boldly. My passionate feelings drive me to pursue my dreams, stand up for what I believe in, and connect with others on a profound level. They are the fuel that ignites my spirit and keeps me moving forward.

Finding Happiness in Authenticity

As I celebrate another year of life, I am filled with gratitude for the journey that has led me here. Embracing my excess, my weird, and my passionate feelings has brought me to a place of true happiness. I’ve learned that being authentically myself is the greatest gift I can give to the world. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance that continues to unfold each day.

My work in somatic experiencing coaching has taught me to be in tune with my body and to understand how emotions and physical sensations are interconnected. This awareness has helped me embrace my full range of feelings and express them in healthy ways. Through spiritual wellness practices, I have learned to honor my inner self and cultivate a sense of peace and purpose rooted in personal Truths.

So here’s to embracing all the parts of ourselves—the excess, the weird, and the passionate. Here’s to living boldly, loving fiercely, and finding joy in the unique essence of who we are. As I blow out the candles this year, I’m filled with excitement for the adventures ahead and the endless possibilities that come with the continuation of being unapologetically me.

Are you interested in exploring client driven wellness practices that create deepened authentic living and more joyful experiences? Lets chat!


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