Bodyart Alchemy Coaching
Hayley Moran of Haylo Healing Arts Lounge creating a soulful piece of tattoo work.
A 4 part coaching series to prepare your mind/body/spirit for your transformational tattoo experience~
Tattoos have the potential to mark memorable, meaningful moments in our lives. When our hearts burst with joy, break in grief or expand with a transformative event~ we change. The process of adorning our bodies with images of dazzling & imaginative remembrances help us hold these changes with reverence and care.
Through this coaching program you will have the opportunity to move through the internal work of change, exploration of and integration into your new desired way of BEing in the world, just as your body’s skin is doing through tattoo work.
Internal and external worlds matched~ this is how deep healing & lasting change settles into our hearts and lives.
**Interested in receiving a soulful piece of tattooed bodyart? Begin by visiting Haylo Healing Arts Lounge and completing a “Vision” form for for your project.
This package includes:
4 live coaching sessions with Kelly
At home ritual suggestions to prepare for and then integrate the experience of your tattoo work
Guided meditation(s) tailored to your experience and needs
In-person closing ritual with Kelly to assist in bridging the inner and outer experiences of transformation
Option for continued coaching and ritual work with Kelly at a discounted per-session and/or package investment
The tenderizing alchemy of this sacred bodywork can mean far more than colors, pictures, lines and shading. It means more than the precious personal stories that adorn our fragile skin. The process of imagining visual images that capture deep significance to a life’s story, to the heart’s process of evolution~ coupled with the investment of resources, time, pain (literal blood, sweat and sometimes tears) and the work of tending an open wound to insure proper healing… this is a tangible, external experience that matches the inner world experiences of shift, manifestation and healing.
The bridge between our inner and outer worlds is created through the process of receiving this tattooed body art, the art of coaching and ritual assists in creating the LIVED change we seek to BE and feel through and after the tattoo experience. This is “the work” that allows for our transformation to be one of both grit and grace~ to allow us to see the beauty in our stories and live inline with our values, vision and desires for the new versions of who we are now.
Self-Guided Body Alchemy Workbook
Your Tattoo Alchemy Integration Package includes:
Pre and post tattoo meditations to prepare and support your subtle body
Journaling prompts to create clarity of mind pre and post tattoo experience
Activity fashioned to aid in the physical healing process
Alter suggestions to support throughout the entire process
Pre and post tattoo ritual guides